Terms of Service

These Terms of Service (“Terms”) are all about how you use our Website. Before you dive in, take a moment to check these out. Using our Website means you’re cool with these rules. If not, maybe give it a pass.

1. Accepting the Terms

By hopping onto beachsidemaldives.com, you’re agreeing to these Terms, including any updates we might throw in later. If you’re not vibing with these Terms, it might be best to steer clear of our Website.

2. User Contributions

a) Your Stuff: You’re in charge of everything you share on the Website. Promise your content won’t mess with anyone’s rights or break the rules.

b) Editing Content: We can tweak or remove stuff you post here, but sorry, we’re not responsible if anything goes missing.

3. Privacy

For all the details about how we handle your personal info, check out our Privacy Policy.

4. Intellectual Property

The cool stuff on BeachsideMaldives.com belongs to us. Please don’t use, copy, or share it without asking first.

5. Disclaimers

a) Info Alert: Our Website is for fun and info, not professional advice. Whatever you do with our content is on you.

b) Accuracy Alert: We do our best, but can’t promise everything you read here is 100% accurate.

6. Limitation of Liability

We’re not taking the blame for any problems you might face using our Website.

7. Links to Other Websites

Links to other places? They’re out of our control. Clicking those links is your call.

8. Ending Things

We might have to say goodbye if you break these rules.

9. Changes to Terms

We might change these rules. If we do, they’ll be up right away. Using the site after means you’re okay with the updates.

10. Questions?

Got any questions about these Terms? Shoot us a message at shahzeey@gmail.com.